Monday, November 19, 2007

A Clear Signal About Cell Phones

I am pretty out of touch when it comes to texting and cell phones. I was sitting in the stands at an Ada football game earlier in the year when I saw a young woman holding a cell phone with two hands, banging on it with such force I thought she was trying to break it. I finally realized, as she snapped it shut and then back open when it began to rattle, that she was sending text messages to a friend (probably someone sitting a few rows away from her...).

If you're ever surprised or frustrated by cell phones, or if you ever wonder why you feel like cell phones are a bit of nuisance but haven't been able to put your finger on it, then check out this article It spells out what you may have thought but hadn't yet got around to articulating. It's long, so print it out, and enjoy the read while you're digesting Turkey this week.


foutfolk said...

Your just jealous because you don't have a cell phone.
Just kidding!

I was adamantly against the use of them before for various reasons. I have warmed up to it a bit though because now I have one. I don't make any excuses for having it, and it serves a unique purpose. Noone actually calls me on it but I do use it to get in touch with parents when their children are naughty at school.

Anonymous said...

I did not have a cell phone at a time my nephew insistently wanted (or needed?) one. You see he wanted to be able to call a friend. Well, what I did not realize then was that (nor did he) the cell phone would be very useful during emergency situations. Since I have been having health issues, I finally decided I needed one - for emergency reasons. Yet more importantly, I should always remember, He is just a prayer away..

Anonymous said...

You write very well.